Sullivan, Daniel Joseph

First Name: Daniel
Last Name: Sullivan
Date of Birth: 21 Dec 1926
Date of Death: 17 May 2016
Town: Brooklyn
County: Kings
State: New York
Country: United States


Below is the eulogy that was read at his funeral mass by his son Daniel.


Our wonderful dad came from Count Kerry, Ireland over 60 years ago and was a perfect example of achieving the American dream. He met the love of his life, Margaret, at an Irish dance and they were married for 61 years. They bought a house in Brooklyn and lovingly raised their 6 children, Catherine,  Joseph, Maureen, Danny, Eileen and Margaret.


Dad was very proud of his job of 42 years with the NY Telephone company and loved speaking of his time there. From his love of the phone company our dad taught us many things. We learned the importance of hard work and having a job with good medical benefits, a pension and the unparalleled joy of earning time and a half for working on Saturday.


My dad loved watching the Mets, Giants and Notre Dame football. His favorite times were when the whole family would be together to celebrate a birthday or graduation and his generosity was immense. He liked going to OTB and placing a bet on a horse or two. His expertise at the horse races was well known. Dad would bet on a horse solely because the jockey was married to an Irish girl or the trainer was named Murphy. His system often worked.


Dad taught us about love and especially the love he felt for his children. When our brother Joseph became ill we were in awe of my father’s tenderness, compassion and strength. At that time he taught us all about the importance of family and the true meaning of unconditional love.


Dad taught us that you didn’t need hangars to hang your clothes. A hammer and a few nails would work just as well.


My dad walked each of his 4 daughters down the aisle when they were married. There were YEARS in between each of these weddings but I swear dad got more handsome each time he donned his tuxedo.


He welcomed his daughter-in-law Diana and his son-in-laws Dennis, Carlo, Adam and John warmly into the family, even the Italian ones.


Growing up dad didn’t yell at us kids very often. We knew what we could and couldn’t get away with and tried to follow the rules. But when dad became Poppy I’d like to say that the rules changed but really what happened was that now there were no rules. In Poppy’s eyes Denise, Michael, Derek, Daniel, Dominique and Sean could do no wrong. If anyone yelled at his grandchildren Poppy came right to their defense. “Leave the kid alone” or “he’s only a small boy” were 2 of his favorite sayings to shield his grandchildren from getting in trouble.


We love you dad, and until we meet again, may the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rains fall soft upon your fields, and may God hold you in the palm of his hand.  May you rest in peace.